jueves, 24 de junio de 2021

Recopilatorio 2021 vol 3.

1 - Jeffrey Silverstein - Trip Sitter.
2 - Minor Moon - Under An Ocean And Holes.
3 - Evan Thomas Way & The Phasers - Don't Surprise Me.
4 - Lawn - Nightmare Creatures.
5 - Swimming Tapes - Mirador.
6 - Fine - On e Year On.
7 - Massage - Made Of Moods.
8 - The Gabriel's Dawn - We.
9 - Emmett Morris - Falling Out.
10 - Electric Looking Glass - Purple, Red, Green, Blue & Yellow.
11 - The Telephone Numbers - Leviatan.
12 - Derby - Pay No Mind.
13 - The Umbrella Puzzles - Sinking Ground.
14 - Dylan Sherry - Flying Colours.
15 - The Vulgar Boatmen - Drive Somewhere.
16 - Dinosaur Jr - Take It Back.
17 - Tuns - Double Down.
18 - Ducks Ltd. - Oblivion.
19 - Quivers - Gutters Of Love.
20 - The Luxembourg Signal - Laura Palmer.
21 - En Attendant Ana - Down The Hill.
22 - Kiwi Jr - Tyler.
23 - Blanketman - Leave The South.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021

SrKiki Radio. Novedades

Hola a tod@s.
Después de varios días intentando que la radio siga sonando en el blog he descubierto que la web Oficial (www.listen2myradio.com) han puesto "algo" para impedir que redireccione dicha radio a mi propia web y asi asegurarse de que usemos sus propios servidores para hacerlo. La única opción es activar primero la radio y luego ya se puede escuchar directamente desde esta web, cosa que es bastante mas molesto que hasta la fecha. Por lo tanto para el que quiera seguir escuchando sin problema dicha radio voy a poner aqui varios enlaces en los cuales funciona sin tener que hacer ningun truco:
Los 3 enlaces te mandan a la misma web. Usad cualquiera, son iguales.

Para los que querais seguir escuchando la radio desde este blog basta con activar alguna de dichas web y una vez activas ya puedes usar el reproductor de este blog o el enlace para moviles. 

También han sacado su propia APP para Android e iOS,  "Listen 2 My Radio", donde sólo teneis que buscar ""srkiki radio" y os enlazara directamente a dicha radio.
Un Saludo a tod@s.


Recopilatorio 2021 vol 2.

1 - Raoul Vignal - Whispers.
2 - Will Stratton - Some Ride.
3 - Alexi Murdoch - Song For You.
4 - Nick Drake - From The Morning.
5 - The Lost Days - To Go Home.
6 - Natvral - New Moon.
7 - Stephen's Shore - Skogen. 
8 - The Laughing Chimes - First Street.
9 - Tuns - We're Living In It Now.
10 - Lawn - Jackson.
11 - Painted Shrines - Heaven And Holy.
12 - Alex Bleeker - LaLaLa.
13 -  The Telephone Numbers - You're Nowhere.
14 - The Bats - Field Of Vision.
15 - Another Michael - Football.
16 - The Very Most - Her Three Year Old Laugh Or The Time The Microphones Played In My Living Room.
17 - Smokescreens - I Want To Know.
18 - Triptides - Let It Go.
19 - Bull - Disco Living.
20 - The Parsons Red Head - All I Wanted.
21 - The Gabriel's Dawn - Loose Canyon.
22 - The Delusions - Strange.
23 - Kiwi Jr - Cooler Returns.
24 - Massage - Half A Feeling. 

miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021

Recopilatorio 2021 Vol 1.

1 - Paul Molloy - My Madonna.
2 - Doug Tuttle - Anywhere You Run.
3 - Painted Shrines - Gone.
4 - The Parson Red Heads - Coming Alone.
5 - Big Silver - Berryhill Park.
6 - Lawn - Nighttime Creatures.
7 - The Boys With The Perpetual Nervousness - How I Really Feel.
8 - Teenage Fanclub - I'm More Inclined.
9 - Butcher The Bar - Agree.
10 - Mr Ben And The Bens - On The Beach.
11 - Real Numbers - Brighter Then.
12 - Ezrat - Loud sounds.
13 - Jon McKiel - Deeper Shade.
14 - Fruit Bats - The Balcony.
15 - Dead Famous People - Goddess Of Chill.
16 - Smokescreens - Working Title.
17 - Kiwi Jr - Maid Marian's Toast.
18 - Dinosaur Jr - I'd Ran Away.
19 - The Weeding Present - You Should Always Keep In Touch With Your Friends.
20 - Illuminati Hotties - (You're Better) Than Ever.
21 - The Beth's  - Dying To Belive.
22 - Deep State - Heaavy Lunch.
23 - Flyying Colours - Big Mess.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2021

Sonidos Circulares: Pop Del Bueno (Del Malo No)

1 - Wiretree - Bouldin - Secret Law.
2 - Jonny - Jonny - Circling The Sun. 
3 - Nice Man - Sauchiehall And Hope - Mine All Mine.
4 - Nice Man -  The Art Of Hanging Out - Forever Is A Long Time Without You.
5 - Cosmic Rough Riders - Enjoy The Melody Sunshine - Melanie.
6 - Tracyanne And Danny - Tracyanne And Danny - Alabama.
7 - The Explorer Club - Freedom Wind - Forever.
8 - Zeus - Say Us - The Sound Of You.
9 - The Mazes - Mazes - Love To Lay.
10 - Splitsville - The Complete Pet Soul - Forever.
11 - Primary 5 - Go - Windows Shopping.
12 - Primary 5 - North Pole - Mailman.
13 - The Smiles And The Frowns - The Echoes Of Time.
14 - California Snow Story - Some Other Places.
15 - Water School - Break Up With Water School - All God's Children.
16 - The Love-Birds - In The Lover's Corner - Hit My Head.
17 - The Wellgreen - Grin And Bear It - Sunday.
18 - Teenage Fanclub - Howdy - I Need Direction.
19 - Teenage Fanclub - Man Made - It's All In My Mind.
20 - Nourallah Brothers - Nourallah Brothers- Heaven Is The Day.
21 - Elvyn - The Decline - The Big Day.
22 - Summer Fiction - Himalaya - On And On.
23 - She & Him - Volume One - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?.
24 - The Autumn Defense - The Green Hour - Full 5 Paces.
25 - Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out Of This Country.
26 - The Clientele - God Save The Clientele - The Dance Of The Hours.
27 - The Clientele - Music Of The Age Of Miracles - Lunar Days.
28 - Mandrew - The Wonderful World Of Mandrew - Hotwax.
29 - Lghtships - Eñlectric Cables - Sweetness In The Spark.
30 - The Pastels - Slow Summit - Check My Heart.
31 - Velvet Crush - Soft Sounds - Party Line (Samba).
32 - Dr. Cosmo's Tape Lab - Beyond The Silver Sea - City And The Stars.
33 - Cotton Jones - Paranoid Cocoon - Little Ashtry In The Sun.
34 - Colorama - Box - Royal Victoria Arcade, Pt.2.
35 - Colorama - Good Music - Why Is She.
36 - Colorama - Some Things Just Take Time - Halcyon Days.
37 - Belle And Sebastian - Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant - The Model.